Gaming Streaming

How to stream and not be shy

Gaming is a more introvert-like activity. Streaming, in turn, requires you to talk pretty much non-stop and be often open about what you think. Thus, video games streaming is quite ironic. Consequently, there are many either shy experienced gamer streamers or unexperienced outgoing gamer streamers. My focus in this blog post will be on the first group. How to stream and not be shy (or too introverted) guide let’s go!

How to stream and not be shy
Streaming can be hard for introverts and shy people Source:

1. Choose a game/activity you feel confident with

Like in your everyday life, there activities you feel more comfortable with and the ones which make you anxious. Same with video games. Why would you play shooters on stream if you’d rather just play The Sims all the time? Go ahead, stream your favorite game. I’m sure there are people who will find it interesting! Of course diversity and experimenting is a good thing, but maybe leave it for the time you feel more confident. But what if you are asked to stream something you are less confident with? My advice would be practice streaming a more comforting theme beforehand; or ask somebody to co-stream or help you host from the backseat. (Restream, 2020)

2. Stream in a comfortable environment which makes you feel less shy

Secondly, you ought to take care of your streaming station. What I mean by that is don’t stream in the same room where there are people you don’t want to be judged by e.g. your parents or a new flatmate. Also, make sure you are not surrounded by excessive objects which prevent you from reaching the keyboard/controller. That also applies to the virtual environment. If you have bad memories with a certain video game community or streaming platform, why not switching temporary or permanently to another one? The less your environment is intimidating you, the easier it is to talk and express your emotions. (Watts24fps, 2018)

Stream in a comfortable environment

3. Take care of you non-verbal expression

While talking may be your not strongest point, especially at the beginning, you can make up for that. The best way to do that is marketing. Take care of your brand while you stream and when you don’t. Express your personality while streaming via your looks, stream overlays, the background behind you, sound effects etc. Don’t be afraid to show off your interests and points of view. You don’t have to be mysterious, but be interesting! Also, make use of social media. Share and promote your content there so that people can get to know you. (Chamber of Commerce, 2016) (Vicari, 2018)

4. Build a community

Finally, it would be wise to create yourself a community. When you are surrounded by friends, talking to them on stream shouldn’t be a problem! Ask your friends to join your streams or make online friends. You don’t have to reach out to many people at once if you don’t feel like it. Find a circle of friends who would support you and show up in your streams. Opt for a quality following rather than a huge one. Starting small can be very frustrating, but be consistent and your effort will pay off. Remember, it is a long process, the key is to make it fun to yourself. (Chamber of Commerce, 2016) (Vicari, 2018)

Tips for streaming when you are shy or introvert
Streaming is easier when you are comfortable with your environment Source:

To sum up, everybody can stream, even if they’re shy. Once you practice and apply the tips above, you will find yourself speaking more while broadcasting. Also, sooner or later your audience will grow. The show is yours!

What is your experience with being a shy or introverted streamer? What are your tips for how to stream and not be shy?